Ikan di laut asam di darat Dalam kuali bertemu jua Hati terpaut janji diikat Atas pelamin bertemu jua |
Orang jauh dikenang-kenang Hanya terkenang pada yang satu Mula berkenal kemudian bertunang Diatas pelamin sama bersatu |
Dari Johor kekuala Kedah Dagang merantau beratus batu Whatapps sudah, SMS pun sudah Sudah kawin masih begitu |
Panas kering siapakan tahu Hujan rintik di daun pandan Berjalan seiring bersentuh bahu Sama cantik sama padan |
Tuan puteri tersenyum-senyum Melihat laksamana bermain rodat Senyum-senyum jangan tak senyum Sudah sempurna segala adat |
Pergi berzanji di pekan pagoh Beli sekati ikan senohong Sudah berjanji bersetia tegoh Jangan dimungkiri bercakap bohong |
Dengarlah ini adik berpesan Anak menantu, adik ingatkan Berkasih sayang sesama insan Jangan cepat menjadi bosan |
Di malam hari terang senegeri Bulan purnama dihujung julai Majlis gahari bertambah seri Menyambut kedatangan kedua mempelai |
Amat garang datuk bentara Musuh melanggar habis dibenam Dulu seorang kini berdua Hudup bersama susah senang |
I'm a cute 14 years old boy, nice to meet you! My hobbies include writing fictional stories, composing songs, playing the piano, computer games, swimming and online games as well as maths solving and maths proving. Favorite authors include James Petterson, John Grisham and James Dashner. I'm good at swimming too! Read this blog for tons of sweet information!
Sunday, 30 August 2015
Selamat Pengantin Baharu, Instruktor Matematik Yang Amat Ku Sayangi ..Tahniah Miss Su
Friday, 28 August 2015
Apa Itu Stress?
Stress atau tekanan
telah mendefinisikannya sebagai “suatu
reaksi yang tidak spesifik oleh diri seseorang disebabkan oleh sesuatu bebanan
yang menimpanya.”
· Stress adalah istilah yang merangkumi tekanan, beban, konflik, keletihan, ketegangan, panik, perasaan gemuruh, kebimbangan, kemurungan dan hilang daya.
‘Bebanan’ ini boleh wujud di dalam bentuk
ancaman, cabaran ataupun apa-apa perubahan di dalam hidup seseorang yang
memerlukan pengubahsuaian yang selari dengannya.
# Terlalu inginkan kemenangan
# Bersikap terlalu mementingkan kesempurnaan
# Sifat terlalu mengharapkan yang terbaik
# Suka mendesak
# Risau keterlaluan
# Tidak mahu menerima teguran
# Berprasangka buruk dan berdendam.
# Cemburu dengan kejayaan orang lain
# Kerja yang membosankan, tekanan pekerjaan
# Masalah kewangan
# dan pelbagai sebab lagi bergantung kepada bagaimana seseorang itu melihat sesuatu keadaan.
Apakah Yang Berlaku Ketika Stress?
Badan kita akan
mengeluarkan satu hormon rangsangan yang bernama ‘adrenaline’ kedalam saluran
darah kita. Hormon ini bersama-sama dengan beberapa hormon yang lain akan
menyebabkan beberapa perubahan berlaku di dalam tubuh kita sebagai persiapan
untuk melindungi kita.
Di antara
perubahan-perubahan itu ialah denyutan jantung bertambah laju dan tekanan darah
akan meningkat (untuk mengepam lebihan darah kepada otak, otot dan jantung);
gula, lemak dan kolesterol di dalam darah akan bertambah (untuk memberi lebihan
tenaga kepada badan).
pernafasan seseorang
akan lebih laju (untuk menyalurkan lebihan oksigen yang diperlukan) dan
begitulah seterusnya.
jika stress atau tekanan
berpanjangan di dalam hidup kita dan kita pula tidak bijak untuk mengurusnya,
ia akan bertukar menjadi ‘distress’ yang boleh menyebabkan penyakit-penyakit
tertentu menimpa kita.
Tekanan perasaan yang baik dan positif
Tekanan yang positif amat kita perlukan di
dalam hidup kita untuk menjadikan kita lebih berhati-hati, terangsang, kreatif
dan lebih memberikan tumpuan dan perhatian kepada apa yang sedang kita lakukan.
Tekanan perasaan yang buruk lagi negatif.
# Perubahan emosi seperti cepat marah, mudah menangis dan sentiasa bersedih, kecewa, hampa, murung, gelisah, kelesuan, ketakutan, mudah mengamuk
# Sentiasa rasa bersalah
# Suka termenung
# Prestasi merosot
# Kekeringan idea
# Hilang tumpuan
# Sukar tidur
# Hilang selera makan.
Apakah Tanda-Tanda /
Gejala Umum Stress ?
Manifestasinya adalah berbagai-bagai dan ia
boleh dikategorikan kepada empat bahagian :
Fizikal : Keletihan, pening kepala,
susah tidur, sakit-sakit badan terutamanya di kawasan bahu dan belakang,
degupan jantung yang kuat, sakit dada, meloya, ketar badan, sejuk tangan dan
Mental : Hilang tumpuan, mudah lupa, susah
untuk membuat keputusan, tidak boleh berfikir, celaru pemikiran dan tidak boleh
Emosi : Risau, sentiasa bimbang, sugul,
marah, mudah kecewa, sentiasa takut, sensitif, mudah hilang sabar dan panas
Perangai : Keluh-kesah, lahir tabiat
seperti menggigit kuku dan menggedik-gedikkan kaki, makan yang berlebihan,
merokok, minum arak, menjerit-jerit, maki hamun, mengungkit-ungkit dan
menyalahkan orang lain serta bertindak agresif.
Masalah Kesihatan Dan
Penyakit-penyakit Yang Berpunca Dari Stress
Sakit jantung dan angin
ahmar (stroke).
Stress akan menambahkan asid lemak (fatty acids) di dalam darah
dan bahan-bahan ini akhirnya akan bertukar menjadi lemak asli dan kolesterol
yang akan menutupi saluran pembuluh darah. Stress juga akan meninggikan tekanan
darah di samping memudahkan proses pembekuan darah. Semua ini merupakan
perubahan-perubahan yang boleh menyebabkan serangan sakit jantung dan angin
ahmar berlaku. (Health Education Associates, 1996; Stress and Heart Disease)
Insomnia atau susah tidur.
Stress boleh menyebabkan masalah susah tidur dan susah tidur boleh
menyebabkan stress, satu pusingan yang amat membinasakan. Di Amerika saja,
jumlah mereka yang diserangi masalah ini menghampiri jumlah 36 hingga ke-62
juta orang. (Jeff Davidson, 1977; The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Managing
Kencing manis.
Kesugulan dan tekanan hasil dari stress akan menambahkan kadar
gula di dalam darah dan ini boleh membawa kepada penyakit kencing manis atau
menerukkan keadaan pesakit yang telahpun mengidapnya. (Carol E. Watkins;
Northern County Psychiatric Associates; 1998)
Gastrik dan ulser.
Penyakit-penyakit pada sistem penghadaman seperti gastrik dan
ulser juga mudah berlaku keatas seorang yang mengidap stress disebabkan oleh
peningkatan pengeluaran asid ketika diserangi stress, terutamanya, jika
ia menyebabkan kemurungan dan kemarahan yang bersangatan. (Ballieux, R.E.,
1984; Breakdown in human adaptation to stress)
Infeksi atau jangkitan
Tekanan atau stress juga akan menyebabkan pengeluaran bahan-bahan
‘catecholamines’ seperti ‘epinephrine’ dan ‘norepinephrine’ ke dalam darah.
Bahan-bahan ini berperanan melemahkan sistem pertahanan badan dan ini sekaligus
akan memudahkan kuman-kuman untuk menyerang dan menyebabkan penyakit-penyakit.
(Stress and the Immune System by Hannah Koenker, 1994) Kajian juga telah
menunjukkan bahawa keadaan stress akan meningkatkan peratus kemungkinan
seseorang itu dijangkiti kuman di sekitar 74 ke-90% dan dijangkiti virus
selsema di sekitar 27 ke-47%. Stress juga akan memudahkan virus yang tidak
aktif menjadi aktif semula. (Brosschot, J.F., Benschop, R.J., Godaert, G.L.R.,
Olff, M., De Smet, M., Heijnen, C.J., Ballieux, R.E., 1994; Influence of life
stress on immunological reactivity to mild psychological stress: Psychosomatic
Ketika menghadapi stress, pesakit yang mengidap lelah akan mudah
diserangi oleh penyakit ini disebabkan oleh sistem pertahanan badan yang
menurun ketika itu, yang akan memudahkan reaksi-reaksi tertentu berlaku di
dalam darah yang akhirnya menyebabkan lelah. (Elliott G.R., Eisdorfer C., 1982;
Stress and Human Health)
Darah tinggi, sakit sendi (rheumatoid athritis), cirit-birit dan sakit
usus (irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis), mandul dan alahan
kulit. (Dr. Maria A. Smith, UTC School of Nursing; Advanced Pathophysiology:
Stress & Disease, Chapter 9)
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Prof. Dr. Azali is a well trained Cardiff Business School graduate with vast experience and excellence in many areas of applied macroeconomics. He was appointed as a tutor at the Faculty of Economics and Management UPM in 1994 before being awarded a UPM Scholarship to pursue his doctorate in Economics at the University of Wales Cardiff, UK in 1995. His Ph.D. thesis was on “Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism: The Malaysian Experience During the Pre- and Post -liberalization Periods”. He completed his thesis in July 1998 and returned to UPM to become a lecturer.
Courses that he has taught include Money and Banking, Principles of Macroeconomics, Principles of Microeconomics, and Applied Time Series at undergraduate level; Financial Economics and Current Issues in Financial Economics at undergraduate and graduate levels; and Advanced Macroeconomic Theory at graduate level. He is actively involves in research covering the areas of applied macroeconomics, monetary and financial economics. Since receiving his Ph.D. in 1998, he was awarded 4 short-term grants, 2 Intensification of Research in Priority Areas (IRPA) grants, one eScience Fund and two Research University Grant Schemes. Within thirteen years of service in UPM, he has published more than one hundred publications. He has also written about 71 seminar or conference papers. His article published in Japan and the World Economy has been cited as a Top 10 Requested Papers in the year 2001.
His articles were published in many journals, internationally and locally such as journal of International Business and Economics, Japan and the World Economy, International Journal of Business Research, Applied Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Applied Financial Economics Letters, International Journal of Social Economics, Journal of Business Research, Economic Bulletin, Savings and Development, The Singapore Economic Revies, The Asian Economic Review, Economic and Finance Indonesia, The ICFAI Journal of Industrial Economics, The ICFAI Journal of Public Finance, Journal of International Economic Review, Jurnal Analisis, Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Bankers Journal Malaysia, Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, The Chartered Secretary Malaysia, Borneo Review, Malaysian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Labual Bulletin of International Business and Finance and Capital Market Review.
He has successfully supervised 40 post-graduates, which include 10 Ph.D. students, 13 M.Sc. students and 17 M.Econs students. Currently he is supervising 7 Ph.D. and 2 M.Sc. candidates.
He has served on several committees at university and national levels. He was the Honorary Treasurer of the Malaysian Association of Agricultural Economics (2000/2002), has been a consultant to the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs to work on price stabilization model and consultant to the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry to work on balance of trade in agriculture sector in Malaysia.
He is currently an associate editor (member of the editorial board) for four academic journals, including the Malaysian Journal of Agricultural Economics; International Journal of Business and Society; Labuan Bulletin of International Business and Finance; an ordinary member of the American Economic Association, International Management Development Association (IMDA), Royal Economic Society, UK and life member of Malaysian Association of Agricultural Economics. He has been appointed as a referee for 13 different journals.
With all his contributions to the university, he was awarded the Excellent Service Award of Universiti Putra Malaysia in 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006. On 1st of July 2002 he was promoted to Associate Professor. And on 1st of March 2007 he was promoted to Professor. He was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs & Alumni, UPM in which he was appointed on the 16th May 2004 latter seconded to Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, as a Head of Students Affairs and currently on secondment to KPTM, MARA (KOLEJ POLY-TECH, MARA) as a CEO/VC.
Publications: 1. Azali, M. and K.G.P. Matthews (1999). Money-Income and Credit-Income Relationships During the Pre- and the Post-Liberalisation Periods: Evidence from Malaysia, Applied Economics, Vol. 31(10): 1161-1170.
2. Azali, M., A.Z. Baharumshah and M.S. Habibullah (2000). Exchange Rate and the Demand for Money in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Vol. 8 (2): 71-76.
3. Azali, M., M.S. Habibullah and A.Z. Baharumshah (2001). Does PPP Hold Between Asian and Japanese Economies?: Evidence Using Panel Unit Root and Panel Cointegration, Japan and the World Economy: International Journal of Theory and Policy, Vol. 13(1):35-50.
4. Azali, M., and K.G.P. Matthews (2001). Broad Money Demand and Financial Liberalisation in Malaysia: An Application of the Nonlinear Learning Function and the Error-Correction Model, Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Vol. 9(2). 131-141.
5. Azali, M., D. Kaliapan and Z. Yusop (2002). AFTA: Its Impact on the Financial Sector, The Chartered Secretary Malaysia: The Journal of the Malaysian Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, March: 16-22.
6. Azali, M. and Shivee Ranjanee (2002). Fixed Versus Flexible Exchange Rate Arrangements: The Role of Currency Boards, The Chartered Secretary Malaysia: The Journal of the Malaysian Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, May: 20-28.
7. Habibullah, M.S., M. Azali, C.H. Puah and A.Z. Baharumshah (2002). The Relevance of Monetary Aggregates for Monetary Policy Purposes in Malaysia, Borneo Review, Vol. 13 (1): 1-12.
8. Azman-Saini, W.N.W., M. Azali, M.S. Habibullah and K.G. Matthews (2002). Financial Integration and the ASEAN-5 Equity Markets, Applied Economics, Vol. 34 (18): 2283-2288.
9. Eng, Y.K., M.S. Habibullah, M. Azali and M.B. Yusoff (2002). Are Entrepreneurs’ Forecasts Unbiased? The Case for Primary Sectors in Malaysia, The Malaysian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 15 (Dec): 42-61.
10. Azman-Saini, W.N.W., M.S. Habibullah and M. Azali (2003). Stock Prices and Exchange Rate Interactions in an Emerging Market, RISEC: International Review of Economics and Business, Vol. 50 (4): 503-519.
11. Hway-Boon, O., M.S. Habibullah, A. Radam and M. Azali (2003). Evaluating a Credit Guarantee Agency In a Developing Economy: A Non-Parametric Approach, International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 30(1/2): 143-152.
12. Azman-Saini, W.N.W., M.S. Habibullah and M. Azali (2003). Stock Price and Exchange Rate Dynamics: Evidence from Thailand, Savings and Development, Vol. 27(3): 245-258.
13. Hock-Ann Lee, Kian-Ping Lim and M. Azali (2003). Testing PPP Hypothesis in Major ASEAN Economies: Does Data Generating Process Matter? Capital Markets Review, 11(1 & 2): 65-80.
14. Lee Chin and M. Azali (2005). Exchange Rate Misalignments in ASEAN-5 Countries, Labuan Bulletin of International Business & Finance, 3(1): 11-31.
15. Lee, H.A., K.P. Lim and M. Azali (2005). A Non-Parametric Cointegration Test of Purchasing Power Parity: The Case of Malaysia. Borneo Review, 14(1): 51-63.
16. Hazlina A. Kadir, M.S. Habibullah, A. Radam and M. Azali (2005). An Analysis of Technical Progress and Efficiency in Malaysia Finance Companies. The ICFAI Journal of Industrial Economics, 2(4), 6-19.
17. Judhiana Abd Ghani, Muzafar Shah Habibullah, M Azali and W. N. W. Azaman-Saini (2005). Is Wagner or Keynes Right? Testing the Government Expenditure and Economic Growth Nexus in Malaysia. Journal of Public Finance, 3(4), 35-42.
18. Lee Chin, M. Azali and K. G. Matthews (2007). The Monetary Approach to Exchange Rate Determination for Malaysia, Applied Financial Economics Letters, 3 (2), 91-94.
19. Lee Chin, M. Azali, Z. Yusop and M.B. Yusoff (2007). The Monetary Model of Exchange Rate: Evidence from The Philippines, Applied Economics Letters, 14 (13), 993-997.
20. Kian-Ping Lim and M.Azali (2007). Episodic Non-Linear Behaviour Bilateral Malaysian Ringgit-U.S. Dollar Spot Rate. Journal of International Economic Review, 1(1), 25-48.
Articles :-
Reza Moosavi Mohseni & M. Azali, 2014. "Monetary Integration and Optimum Currency Area in ASEAN+3: What We Need for a New Framework?," International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Econjournals, vol. 4(2), pages 277-285.
Roohollah Zare & M. Azali & M. S. Habibullah & W. N. W. Azman-Saini, 2014. "Monetary policy effectiveness and stock market cycles in ASEAN-5," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 46(20), pages 2362-2374, July.
Hatra Voghouei & M. Azail & Siong Law, 2013. "The effect of dynamic legal tradition on financial development: panel data evidence," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 35(1), pages 109-136, February.
Lee, Grace H.Y. & Azali, M., 2012. "Is East Asia an optimum currency area?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 29(2), pages 87-95.
Lee, Grace HY & M, Azali, 2010. "Is East Asia an optimum currency area?," MPRA Paper 52556, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Lee Chin & M. Azali, 2012. "Testing the validity of the monetary model for ASEAN with structural break," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 44(25), pages 3229-3236, September.
Hatra Voghouei & M. Azali & Mohammad Ali Jamali, 2011. "A survey of the determinants of financial development," Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government, The Australian National University, vol. 25(2), pages 1-20, November.
Hatra Voghouei & M. Azali & Siong Hook Law, 2011. "Does the Political Institution Matter for Financial Development?," Economic Papers, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 30(1), pages 77-98, 03.
Lee, Grace H.Y. & Azali, M., 2010. "The endogeneity of the Optimum Currency Area criteria in East Asia," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 27(1), pages 165-170, January.
Grace H.Y. Lee & M. Azali, 2009. "THE ENDOGENEITY OF THE OPTIMUM CURRENCY AREA CRITERIA IN EAST ASIa," Monash Economics Working Papers 15-09, Monash University, Department of Economics.
Chin Lee & M. Azali, 2010. "Currency Linkages Among Asean," The Singapore Economic Review (SER), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 55(03), pages 459-470.
Lee Chin & Muzafar Shah Habibullah & M. Azali, 2009. "Tests of different monetary aggregates for the monetary models of the exchange rate in five ASEAN countries," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 41(14), pages 1771-1783.
Lee Chin & M. Azali & A. Mansur M. Masih, 2009. "Tests of the different variants of the monetary model in a developing economy: Malaysian experience in the pre- and post-crisis periods," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 41(15), pages 1893-1902.
R C Royfaizal & C Lee & M Azali, 2009. "The Linkages of Asian and the US Stock Markets," The IUP Journal of Financial Economics, IUP Publications, vol. 0(2), pages 74-90, June.
M Azali & R C Royfaizal & C Lee, 2009. "Japanese Yen as an Alternative Vehicle Currency in Asian Countries," The IUP Journal of Monetary Economics, IUP Publications, vol. 0(2), pages 6-16, May.
Eliza Nor & M. Azali & Siong Hook Law, 2009. "Demand for international reserves: evidence from East Asia," American Journal of Finance and Accounting, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 1(3), pages 297-311.
Eliza Nor & M. Azali & Siong-Hook Law, 2008. "International Reserves, Current Account Imbalance And External Debt: Evidence From Malaysia," IIUM Journal of Economics and Management, IIUM Journal of Economis and Management, vol. 16(1), pages 47-76, December.
Wai-Ching Poon & Muzafar Shah Habibullah & Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah & Azali Mohamed, 2008. "Monetary Conditions Index in Singapore," The IUP Journal of Applied Economics, IUP Publications, vol. 0(4), pages 6-22, July.
Lee Chin & M. Azali & Zulkornain Yusop & Mohammed Yusoff, 2007. "The monetary model of exchange rate: evidence from The Philippines," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 14(13), pages 993-997.
Working Papers
Lee, Grace HY & M, Azali, 2010. "Is East Asia an optimum currency area?," MPRA Paper 52556, University Library of Munich, Germany. Lee, Grace H.Y. & Azali, M., 2012. "Is East Asia an optimum currency area?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 29(2), pages 87-95.
Courses that he has taught include Money and Banking, Principles of Macroeconomics, Principles of Microeconomics, and Applied Time Series at undergraduate level; Financial Economics and Current Issues in Financial Economics at undergraduate and graduate levels; and Advanced Macroeconomic Theory at graduate level. He is actively involves in research covering the areas of applied macroeconomics, monetary and financial economics. Since receiving his Ph.D. in 1998, he was awarded 4 short-term grants, 2 Intensification of Research in Priority Areas (IRPA) grants, one eScience Fund and two Research University Grant Schemes. Within thirteen years of service in UPM, he has published more than one hundred publications. He has also written about 71 seminar or conference papers. His article published in Japan and the World Economy has been cited as a Top 10 Requested Papers in the year 2001.
His articles were published in many journals, internationally and locally such as journal of International Business and Economics, Japan and the World Economy, International Journal of Business Research, Applied Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Applied Financial Economics Letters, International Journal of Social Economics, Journal of Business Research, Economic Bulletin, Savings and Development, The Singapore Economic Revies, The Asian Economic Review, Economic and Finance Indonesia, The ICFAI Journal of Industrial Economics, The ICFAI Journal of Public Finance, Journal of International Economic Review, Jurnal Analisis, Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Bankers Journal Malaysia, Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, The Chartered Secretary Malaysia, Borneo Review, Malaysian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Labual Bulletin of International Business and Finance and Capital Market Review.
He has successfully supervised 40 post-graduates, which include 10 Ph.D. students, 13 M.Sc. students and 17 M.Econs students. Currently he is supervising 7 Ph.D. and 2 M.Sc. candidates.
He has served on several committees at university and national levels. He was the Honorary Treasurer of the Malaysian Association of Agricultural Economics (2000/2002), has been a consultant to the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs to work on price stabilization model and consultant to the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry to work on balance of trade in agriculture sector in Malaysia.
He is currently an associate editor (member of the editorial board) for four academic journals, including the Malaysian Journal of Agricultural Economics; International Journal of Business and Society; Labuan Bulletin of International Business and Finance; an ordinary member of the American Economic Association, International Management Development Association (IMDA), Royal Economic Society, UK and life member of Malaysian Association of Agricultural Economics. He has been appointed as a referee for 13 different journals.
With all his contributions to the university, he was awarded the Excellent Service Award of Universiti Putra Malaysia in 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006. On 1st of July 2002 he was promoted to Associate Professor. And on 1st of March 2007 he was promoted to Professor. He was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs & Alumni, UPM in which he was appointed on the 16th May 2004 latter seconded to Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, as a Head of Students Affairs and currently on secondment to KPTM, MARA (KOLEJ POLY-TECH, MARA) as a CEO/VC.
Publications: 1. Azali, M. and K.G.P. Matthews (1999). Money-Income and Credit-Income Relationships During the Pre- and the Post-Liberalisation Periods: Evidence from Malaysia, Applied Economics, Vol. 31(10): 1161-1170.
2. Azali, M., A.Z. Baharumshah and M.S. Habibullah (2000). Exchange Rate and the Demand for Money in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Vol. 8 (2): 71-76.
3. Azali, M., M.S. Habibullah and A.Z. Baharumshah (2001). Does PPP Hold Between Asian and Japanese Economies?: Evidence Using Panel Unit Root and Panel Cointegration, Japan and the World Economy: International Journal of Theory and Policy, Vol. 13(1):35-50.
4. Azali, M., and K.G.P. Matthews (2001). Broad Money Demand and Financial Liberalisation in Malaysia: An Application of the Nonlinear Learning Function and the Error-Correction Model, Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Vol. 9(2). 131-141.
5. Azali, M., D. Kaliapan and Z. Yusop (2002). AFTA: Its Impact on the Financial Sector, The Chartered Secretary Malaysia: The Journal of the Malaysian Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, March: 16-22.
6. Azali, M. and Shivee Ranjanee (2002). Fixed Versus Flexible Exchange Rate Arrangements: The Role of Currency Boards, The Chartered Secretary Malaysia: The Journal of the Malaysian Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, May: 20-28.
7. Habibullah, M.S., M. Azali, C.H. Puah and A.Z. Baharumshah (2002). The Relevance of Monetary Aggregates for Monetary Policy Purposes in Malaysia, Borneo Review, Vol. 13 (1): 1-12.
8. Azman-Saini, W.N.W., M. Azali, M.S. Habibullah and K.G. Matthews (2002). Financial Integration and the ASEAN-5 Equity Markets, Applied Economics, Vol. 34 (18): 2283-2288.
9. Eng, Y.K., M.S. Habibullah, M. Azali and M.B. Yusoff (2002). Are Entrepreneurs’ Forecasts Unbiased? The Case for Primary Sectors in Malaysia, The Malaysian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 15 (Dec): 42-61.
10. Azman-Saini, W.N.W., M.S. Habibullah and M. Azali (2003). Stock Prices and Exchange Rate Interactions in an Emerging Market, RISEC: International Review of Economics and Business, Vol. 50 (4): 503-519.
11. Hway-Boon, O., M.S. Habibullah, A. Radam and M. Azali (2003). Evaluating a Credit Guarantee Agency In a Developing Economy: A Non-Parametric Approach, International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 30(1/2): 143-152.
12. Azman-Saini, W.N.W., M.S. Habibullah and M. Azali (2003). Stock Price and Exchange Rate Dynamics: Evidence from Thailand, Savings and Development, Vol. 27(3): 245-258.
13. Hock-Ann Lee, Kian-Ping Lim and M. Azali (2003). Testing PPP Hypothesis in Major ASEAN Economies: Does Data Generating Process Matter? Capital Markets Review, 11(1 & 2): 65-80.
14. Lee Chin and M. Azali (2005). Exchange Rate Misalignments in ASEAN-5 Countries, Labuan Bulletin of International Business & Finance, 3(1): 11-31.
15. Lee, H.A., K.P. Lim and M. Azali (2005). A Non-Parametric Cointegration Test of Purchasing Power Parity: The Case of Malaysia. Borneo Review, 14(1): 51-63.
16. Hazlina A. Kadir, M.S. Habibullah, A. Radam and M. Azali (2005). An Analysis of Technical Progress and Efficiency in Malaysia Finance Companies. The ICFAI Journal of Industrial Economics, 2(4), 6-19.
17. Judhiana Abd Ghani, Muzafar Shah Habibullah, M Azali and W. N. W. Azaman-Saini (2005). Is Wagner or Keynes Right? Testing the Government Expenditure and Economic Growth Nexus in Malaysia. Journal of Public Finance, 3(4), 35-42.
18. Lee Chin, M. Azali and K. G. Matthews (2007). The Monetary Approach to Exchange Rate Determination for Malaysia, Applied Financial Economics Letters, 3 (2), 91-94.
19. Lee Chin, M. Azali, Z. Yusop and M.B. Yusoff (2007). The Monetary Model of Exchange Rate: Evidence from The Philippines, Applied Economics Letters, 14 (13), 993-997.
20. Kian-Ping Lim and M.Azali (2007). Episodic Non-Linear Behaviour Bilateral Malaysian Ringgit-U.S. Dollar Spot Rate. Journal of International Economic Review, 1(1), 25-48.
Articles :-
Reza Moosavi Mohseni & M. Azali, 2014. "Monetary Integration and Optimum Currency Area in ASEAN+3: What We Need for a New Framework?," International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Econjournals, vol. 4(2), pages 277-285.
Roohollah Zare & M. Azali & M. S. Habibullah & W. N. W. Azman-Saini, 2014. "Monetary policy effectiveness and stock market cycles in ASEAN-5," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 46(20), pages 2362-2374, July.
Hatra Voghouei & M. Azail & Siong Law, 2013. "The effect of dynamic legal tradition on financial development: panel data evidence," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 35(1), pages 109-136, February.
Lee, Grace H.Y. & Azali, M., 2012. "Is East Asia an optimum currency area?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 29(2), pages 87-95.
Lee, Grace HY & M, Azali, 2010. "Is East Asia an optimum currency area?," MPRA Paper 52556, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Lee Chin & M. Azali, 2012. "Testing the validity of the monetary model for ASEAN with structural break," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 44(25), pages 3229-3236, September.
Hatra Voghouei & M. Azali & Mohammad Ali Jamali, 2011. "A survey of the determinants of financial development," Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government, The Australian National University, vol. 25(2), pages 1-20, November.
Hatra Voghouei & M. Azali & Siong Hook Law, 2011. "Does the Political Institution Matter for Financial Development?," Economic Papers, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 30(1), pages 77-98, 03.
Lee, Grace H.Y. & Azali, M., 2010. "The endogeneity of the Optimum Currency Area criteria in East Asia," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 27(1), pages 165-170, January.
Grace H.Y. Lee & M. Azali, 2009. "THE ENDOGENEITY OF THE OPTIMUM CURRENCY AREA CRITERIA IN EAST ASIa," Monash Economics Working Papers 15-09, Monash University, Department of Economics.
Chin Lee & M. Azali, 2010. "Currency Linkages Among Asean," The Singapore Economic Review (SER), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 55(03), pages 459-470.
Lee Chin & Muzafar Shah Habibullah & M. Azali, 2009. "Tests of different monetary aggregates for the monetary models of the exchange rate in five ASEAN countries," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 41(14), pages 1771-1783.
Lee Chin & M. Azali & A. Mansur M. Masih, 2009. "Tests of the different variants of the monetary model in a developing economy: Malaysian experience in the pre- and post-crisis periods," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 41(15), pages 1893-1902.
R C Royfaizal & C Lee & M Azali, 2009. "The Linkages of Asian and the US Stock Markets," The IUP Journal of Financial Economics, IUP Publications, vol. 0(2), pages 74-90, June.
M Azali & R C Royfaizal & C Lee, 2009. "Japanese Yen as an Alternative Vehicle Currency in Asian Countries," The IUP Journal of Monetary Economics, IUP Publications, vol. 0(2), pages 6-16, May.
Eliza Nor & M. Azali & Siong Hook Law, 2009. "Demand for international reserves: evidence from East Asia," American Journal of Finance and Accounting, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 1(3), pages 297-311.
Eliza Nor & M. Azali & Siong-Hook Law, 2008. "International Reserves, Current Account Imbalance And External Debt: Evidence From Malaysia," IIUM Journal of Economics and Management, IIUM Journal of Economis and Management, vol. 16(1), pages 47-76, December.
Wai-Ching Poon & Muzafar Shah Habibullah & Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah & Azali Mohamed, 2008. "Monetary Conditions Index in Singapore," The IUP Journal of Applied Economics, IUP Publications, vol. 0(4), pages 6-22, July.
Lee Chin & M. Azali & Zulkornain Yusop & Mohammed Yusoff, 2007. "The monetary model of exchange rate: evidence from The Philippines," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 14(13), pages 993-997.
Working Papers
Lee, Grace HY & M, Azali, 2010. "Is East Asia an optimum currency area?," MPRA Paper 52556, University Library of Munich, Germany. Lee, Grace H.Y. & Azali, M., 2012. "Is East Asia an optimum currency area?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 29(2), pages 87-95.
- Grace H.Y. Lee & M. Azali, 2009. "A Bayesian Approach to Optimum Currency Areas in East Asia," Monash Economics Working Papers 18-09, Monash University, Department of Economics.Grace H.Y. Lee & M. Azali, 2009. "Optimum Currency Areas in East Asia: A Structural VAR Approach," Monash Economics Working Papers 19-09, Monash University, Department of Economics.
M., Azali & Lee, Chin, 2009. "Asian Financial Integration during the Pre- and Post-crisis Periods," MPRA Paper 40656, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2009.
Grace H.Y. Lee & M. Azali, 2009. "THE ENDOGENEITY OF THE OPTIMUM CURRENCY AREA CRITERIA IN EAST ASIa," Monash Economics Working Papers 15-09, Monash University, Department of Economics.
Lee, Grace H.Y. & Azali, M., 2010. "The endogeneity of the Optimum Currency Area criteria in East Asia," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 27(1), pages 165-170, January.
Wong, Kai Seng Kelly & M., Azali & Lee, Chin, 2009. "Financial Social Accounting Matrix: Concepts, Constructions and Theoretical Framework," MPRA Paper 14757, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Wong, Kai Seng Kelly & M., Azali & Lee, Chin, 2009. "Financial social accounting matrix: concepts, constructions and theoretical framework," MPRA Paper 14641, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Azali, M. & Royfaizal, R.C. & Lee, C., 2008. "Japanese Yen as an alternative vehicle currency in Asian," MPRA Paper 11891, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2008.
Eliza, Nor & M., Azali & Law, Siong-Hook & Lee, Chin, 2008. "Demand For International Reserves in ASEAN-5 Economies," MPRA Paper 11735, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Lee, Chin & M., Azali & Yusop, Zulkornain & Yusoff, Mohammed, 2008. "Is Malaysia exchange rate misalignment before the 1997 crisis?," MPRA Paper 40430, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Royfaizal, R. C & Lee, C & Mohamed, Azali, 2007. "Asean-5+3 And Us Stock Markets Interdependence Before, During And After Asian Financial Crisis," MPRA Paper 10263, University Library of Munich, Germany.
M., Azali & Wong, K. S. Kelly & Lee, C. & Shafinaz, Ahmad Nazar, 2007. "The Asean-5 Future Currency: Maastricht Criteria," MPRA Paper 10272, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Kian-Ping Lim & M. Azali & M.S. Habibullah & Venus Khim-Sen Liew, 2003. "Are Non-Linear Dynamics a Universal Occurrence? Further Evidence From Asian Stock Markets," Finance 0308001, EconWPA.
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Liang Liang, a female panda on loan from China, has given birth to a cub
Liang Liang, a female panda on loan from China, has given birth to a cub in Malaysia's national zoo, Zoo Negara in Kuala Lumpur on 18 August at 1.45pm local time.
Giant Panda Conservation Centre zoology in confirming the birth, said: "Liang Liang is very motherly and she is very protective of her cub."
However, zoo officials managed to separate the cub and the mother for four minutes to "quickly weigh, measure the height and determine the sex.
They believe that Liang Liang will make a good mother and can take care of the cub as she has given birth previously. She raised the first baby on her own and we hope she does the same. We feel there are better chances of survival with her taking care of the cub.
Both mother and the cub will be under quarantine for two months before the public will be allowed to view them. Once Liang Liang is ready to leave her cub alone, it will be placed in a nursery room for public viewing.
Although zoo officials suspected Liang Liang was pregnant on 7 August due to her high progesterone level, they were unable to take a second blood test to confirm this. The birth, he said was unexpected as they thought it was a pseudo pregnancy.
Malaysia has set a world record by having the first pair of pandas to naturally reproduce within a short period of time while in captivity, outside of China.
It normally took eight to nine years for pandas in captivity to reproduce, but even then, this was usually done through artificial insemination.
Nine-year-old Liang Liang and Xing Xing from Chengdu, China were loaned to Malaysia following the Giant Panda International Conservation Cooperation Agreement Programme and arrived in Malaysia on 21/5/2014.
The Last Wishes of Alexander The Great
The Last Wishes of Alexander The Great
On his death bed, Alexander summoned his army generals and told them his three ultimate wishes:
#1. The best doctors should carry his coffin...
#2. The wealth he has accumulated (money, gold, precious stones) should be scattered along the procession to the cemetery...
#3. His hands should be let loose, so they hang outside the coffin for all to see!!
One of his generals who was surprised by these unusual requests asked Alexander to explain.
Here is what Alexander the Great had to say:
#1. "I want the best doctors to carry my coffin to demonstrate that in the face of death, even the best doctors in the world have no power to heal .."
#2. "I want the road to be covered with my treasure so that everybody sees that material wealth acquired on earth, will stay on earth..."
#3. I want my hands to swing in the wind, so that people understand that we come to this world empty handed and we leave this world empty handed after the most precious treasure of all is exhausted, and that is: TIME.
We do not take to our grave any material wealth. TIME is our most precious treasure because it is LIMITED. We can produce more wealth, but we cannot produce more TIME.
When we give someone our time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will never take back.
Multi-talented Malaysian student Inderjit Kaur student was named as the winner of the Young Women Award for excellence in academic presented by the National Council of Women’s Organisations (NCWO)
Robotic girl Inderjit wins NCWO Young Women Award
Top: Inderjit with her proud mum. Below: Inderjit and other recipients of the NCWO women’s award in Kuala Lumpur on 24 Aug 2015.
Multi-talented Malaysian student Inderjit Kaur student was yesterday named as the winner of the Young Women Award for excellence in academic presented by the National Council of Women’s Organisations (NCWO).
She was one of the nine recipients of the Anugerah Tokoh Wanita Muda NCWO which recognises outstanding young women, aged 15 – 40 years, who have excelled in their field and received national and international recognition for their achievements.
The 18 year old Inderjit Kaur has many achievements attached to her name. Robot inventor is one of them. She is also keen into research and excels in social communication. In person, she is animated and can hold interesting conversation.
But she has had a tough life. She was only nine months old when her dad left her mum. Inderjit did not succumb to the hardship and challenges. Instead, she decided to make the best of what life had to offer.
“When I was 10, I got inspired after reading a book called The Secret. After that, there was only one thing I knew; I wanted to succeed as much as I wanted to breath. I realised that the only way to help my family was through education. And I must thank my mum for being there for me, for being strong.”
Her aim in life? “I want to be a human of value,” she tells Asia Samachar.
The hard work paid off. In 2013, she got enrolled at the Pusat PERMATApintar Negara, a school for the gifted students run by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).
Inderjit, who is an active volunteer at Wadda Gurdwara Sahib Kampung Pandan, Kuala Lumpur, is known as the ‘smart girl girl who invented a robot’.
Indeed, she did. Inderjit led a team in several successful robotics competitions, including winning the gold medal in the International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors 2012. Her team’s Nanny Robot was designed to monitor a baby’s status using sound and temperature sensors, which would activate functions such as rocking the baby in a swing, or contacting parents based on the child’s cries. She had also won bronze at the World Robot Olympiad.
She had also taken part in numerous competitions like the Malaysian National Chemistry Quiz, Permata Pintar Summer Camp, First Lego League Malaysia Open Championship, World Scholar’s Cup, Kangaroo Math Competition, Solar Cooking Competition, MSSWP Chess Competition and National Choral Speaking Competition.
She was also into martial art, having secured a Yellow Belt – 8th Kup at the World Taekwando Federation.
At the height of the Kelantan floods in January 2015, Inderjit joined as a volunteer with the humanitarian relief agency United Sikhs.
The NCWO awards were presented by Raja Permaisuri Agung Tuanku Hajah Aminah. She was accompanied Prime Minister’s wife Rosmah Mansor, Minister of Women, Family and Community Developmen Rohani Abdul Karim and NCWO president Dr Sharifah Hapsah Syed Hasan Shahabudin.
All the best, Inderjit Kaur
1. Istilah Bangsa Johor bukanlah perkara yang baru. Almarhum nenda saya, Sultan Ibrahim, telah melihat jauh kehadapan yang perpaduan masyarakat di negeri Johor ini perlu dibentuk di bawah satu Bangsa Johor.
Malah sejak dahulu lagi, lagu bagi Negeri Johor telah dinamakan sebagai “Lagu Bangsa Johor”. Oleh itu, kepada orang luar yang tidak tahu sejarah Johor, Saya nasihatkan supaya jangan masuk campur dalam urusan orang Johor.
Saya berharap rakyat bangsa Johor yang berbilang agama dan keturunan akan hidup harmoni dan bersatu padu demi untuk kemakmuran dan keamanan Negeri Johor Darul Ta'zim.
2. Saya amat peka dengan rintihan dan keluhan suara hati rakyat saya. Suasana politik dan ekonomi negara yang berada dalam keadaan yang tidak stabil pada masa ini merupakan isu utama yang perlu ditangani oleh kerajaan dengan segera.
Sememangnya kedudukan saya sebagai Raja tidak boleh mencampuri urusan politik, tetapi sebagai Raja saya bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan suasana kehidupan rakyat di negeri saya berada dalam keadaan yang baik, maju dan makmur.
Oleh itu saya mengesa kepada pihak kerajaan yang memerintah supaya segera menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi sekarang ini, antaranya mengenai kejatuhan nilai ringgit yang amat teruk.
3. Suka juga saya ingatkan kepada pemimpin pemimpin kerajaan yang telah dipilih oleh rakyat supaya memikul tanggungjawab dengan penuh amanah untuk kepentingan umum dan janganlah mengutamakan kepentingan peribadi.
Rakyat pada hari ini adalah generasi yang berilmu dan bijak menilai maklumat yang diterima, janganlah cuba memperbodohkan rakyat dengan memberikan berita dan maklumat yang hanya sedap untuk didengar bagi menutup keadaan sebenar. Selesaikanlah masalah masalah yang timbul dengan segera.
There are wolves that lead sheep, then there are wolves that lead wolves.
Sunday, 23 August 2015
Eustress vs Distress
Eustress vs Distress
Many people are unaware that there are two categories of stress: Eustress and Distress
Eustress is the good stress that motivates you to continue working. Stress can be a motivater and provide incentive to get the job done. This "good stress" is what eustress can be identified as and some people enjoy it. Everyone needs a little bit of stress in their life in order to continue to be happy, motivated, challenged and productive. It is when this stress is no longer tolerable and/or manageable that distress comes in.
Bad stress, or distress, is when the good stress becomes to much to bear or cope with. Tension builds, there is no longer any fun in the challenge, there seems to be no relief, no end in sight. This is the kind of stress most of us are familiar with and this is the kind of stress that leads to poor decision making. Physiological symptoms of distress include and increase in blood pressure, rapid breathing and generalized tension. Behavioral symptoms include overeating, loss of appetite, drinking, smoking and negative coping mechanisms.
Stress tolerance is the power to endure stress. If you feel stress, lose against or not all depends on your stress tolerance. A person's tolerance to stress is not only different according to the person but is also influenced by time and condition. So tolerance to stress may differ largely to the same person according to the time and condition in which it is experienced. Mainly, the personality and physique, environment and condition change the strengh of tolerance to stress.
The trick to coping with stress is not to expect that you can eliminate it; but rather, to manage the symptoms of stress. Teaching you how to do that has become a multi-million dollar industry. But in the end, it all boils down to a few good tried-and-true skills you can learn and the willingness to work at it.
Ways to Become Stress-Resistant
· Stop feeling guilty.
· Be decisive.
· Avoid being a perfectionist.
· Set priorities for yourself.
· Stop procrastinating.
· Praise yourself.
· Live an optimal lifestyle.
Saturday, 22 August 2015
PERMATA Sharing Weekend on 11-12 July 2015
On 11th and 12th of July, 2015 our seniors batches PIONEER | SUCCESSOR | PRODIGY have organised the very first PERMATA Sharing Weekend
The event was about how to prepare for the SPA exam, SAT and TOEFL as well the procedure and the process to apply scholarship to pursue study abroad. I have taken part in one session about SAT and TOEFL which I have intended to sit in next year.
Good bye and von voyage to my senior cohort No. 3 of PERMATApintar College, UKM. These four will do their undergraduate program at several universities at USA. The four received PETRONAS scholarship. We will always pray for your success brothers and sisters. Have a safe journey and always keep in touch with us at PERMATApintar.
Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya 2015 for Kolej PERMATApintar Negara
Our Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya 2015 for Kolej PERMATApintar Negara was held on 14/8/2015. It was so colorful and plenty of food served.
The best part was the dance performance by the Foundation 1 & 2 under tune of warna warni Aidil Fitri. The quote from our beloved Prof. Datuk Noriah "Who said that the gifted students cannot dance, especially the boys!!" . Maaf zahir dan Batin.
Monday, 10 August 2015
Hey there!
Oh, hey there! It seems like a week since I last posted the PERMUN15 update. It seems rare of me to update anything, since its nearing exam time, but I just wanted to say, thank you for all of the support on my blog here, and good luck for your future!
On another hand, wish me luck for the upcoming examinations next week, okay?! Anyways, other then that, you might want to check out my about.me page! Its pretty boring, but there's a lot of information that are useful there. Link is this:
Anyways, hi, Aya!
On another hand, wish me luck for the upcoming examinations next week, okay?! Anyways, other then that, you might want to check out my about.me page! Its pretty boring, but there's a lot of information that are useful there. Link is this:
Anyways, hi, Aya!
Friday, 7 August 2015
PERMATA Model United Nations Conference 7/8/2015 - 9/8/2015
The PERMUN Club was conducting its very first PERMATA Model United
Nations Conference on the 7th till the 9th of August 2015. The 3 days conference were filled with council sessions on the
given topics that would generate your critical thinking concerning
global issues and world peace program.
There was a thrilling Social Night on the second day of the conference which I have performed 3 pieces - duo with Ong Jing Kai as well 3 in single.
In this academic simulation, the delegate ha been assigning to a
country and will be placed under one of five agencies under UN model like UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), UN High Commisioner for
Refugees (UNHCR), UN Economic & Finance Council (ECOFIN), North
Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), United Nations Convention on the
Rights of the Child (UNICEF)
There was a thrilling Social Night on the second day of the conference which I have performed 3 pieces - duo with Ong Jing Kai as well 3 in single.
PERMATApintar United Nation Model Conference or PERMUN 2015 organized by PERMATApintar, UKM. The students debated on gender issues, women and children issues and other issues pertinent to the global population. Each students represent a representative from countries around the world. Students from 10 schools participated in the conference. PERMUN 2015 was the first been organized by government assisted educational institution (that is PERMATApintar College). The conference was organized by the students.
Persidangan Saintis Muda Antarabangsa telah dilangsungkan pada 3/8/2015 hingga 5/8/2015. Pelajar-pelajat Level 2 Kolej PERMATApintar Negara, UKM dan beberapa buah sekolah seluruh Malaysia telah berkampung di Pusat PERMATApintar Negara untuk mempersembah dan dinilai hasil kajian yang telah dilakukan kepada juri-juri serta dipertontonkan hasil kajian kepada orang ramai. Ramai pelajar Level 2 telah mendapat pingat emas serta perak atas kejayaan penyelidikan masing-masing. Berikut beberapa gambar yang menunjukkan aktiviti-altiviti sepanjang persidangan tersebut.

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