Wednesday 11 June 2014


I decided to get started with the walls. She preferred obsidian due to its immense blast resistance. I found a bedrock forger who mined bedrock, so we took bedrock but took obsidian as the inside. We found some helpers, and built our walls high and strong. I wanted to protect Aliah. She was the queen. I gave her a strong Unbreaking III enchanted diamond sword in case of any trouble. Next came weapons. I gathered all of the people and called for string, sticks, diamonds, flint and feathers. I got enough to make fifty bows, fifty diamond swords and 3200 arrows, enough for the fifty residents of the city, excluding me and Aliah. She had the diamond sword, and I gave her a special pair of diamond armor. It was engraved with runes. Tracker runes. It'd help me find her whenever I needed her or she needed my help. As evening came. We went up the walls and enjoyed the sunset. I talked with her. She handed me a bow which never broke when used. "Aliah, you know how to make unbreakable items?" "Yes, Zoey." "So that's your trick?" "That's just one of them.". The conversation ended as she headed back to our place. Then began my feelings for her. I felt a slight of change in my heartbeat. "Heartbeat of nervousness," I thought, "But how?". Did I like her?

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