The sun is in the sky,
looking at the clouds.
This cannot be goodbye,
because we have our owns doubts.
The sun is on the yellow background,
the clouds as pure as white.
I'd go through a hundred sounds,
just so we could get things right.
The sun is in the blue mid air,
the clouds have become gray.
This is a love affair,
goes on by the day.
The sun has become red,
the clouds are now blue.
Please don't get mad when I'm bad,
but, I just want to say, I love you.
It is getting dark,
the clouds are black as black goo.
I'm as happy as a lark,
because you love me too.
The sun is back up high,
the clouds are high above me.
My feelings on you are high,
you will always love me.
I'm a cute 14 years old boy, nice to meet you! My hobbies include writing fictional stories, composing songs, playing the piano, computer games, swimming and online games as well as maths solving and maths proving. Favorite authors include James Petterson, John Grisham and James Dashner. I'm good at swimming too! Read this blog for tons of sweet information!
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Pusat PERMATApintar Negara
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Dato’ Sri,
Dato’ Sri,
Dengan hormatnya, pihak Pusat PERMATApintar Negara ingin menjemput
Y.A.B Dato’ Sri Najib untuk menghadiri majlis perasmian auditorium Kompleks
2. Butiran-butiran
adalah seperti berikut:
Tempat : Pusat
PERMATApintar Negara
Tarikh : 10hb November
Masa : 3.00 petang
Keprihatinan dan pertimbangan yang sewajarnya daripada Dato’ Sri
terhadap jemputan ini amatlah dihargai dan didahului dengan ucapan terima
Pusat PERMATApintar Negara
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Format Rasmi
Surat Kiriman Rasmi
[I1]Garisan lurus
[I2]Nama dan alamt penerima
[I4]Kata hadapan
[I7]Isi surat
[I9]Tandatangan, nama dan jawatan
Laras bahasa biasa:
Digunakan dalam majlis rasmi, surat kiriman dan sebagainya. Berlaku proses pengguguran dalam ayat-ayat yang diucapkan sama ada pengguguran subjek, predikat, objek.
1)Taklimat satu taraf khalayak
a) Tajuk
b) Salam, sapaan biasa atau salutasi berprotokol
c) Kata alu-aluan
d) Pengenalan diri/organisasi/jawatan dan sedikit ringkasan taklimat.
e) Kandungan taklimat
f) Penutup
g) Sesi soal jawab
a) Tajuk
b) Salam, sapaan biasa atau salutasi berprotokol
c) Kata alu-aluan
d) Pengenalan diri/organisasi/jawatan dan sedikit ringkasan taklimat.
e) Kandungan taklimat
f) Penutup
g) Sesi soal jawab
- Taklimat dua taraf khalayak
a) Tajuk
b) Salam, salutasi berprotokol dan sapaan biasa.
c) Puji-pujian
d) Ringkasan sembah taklimat
e) Kandungan
f) Sesi soal jawab
Laras bahasa biasa:
Digunakan dalam majlis rasmi, surat kiriman dan sebagainya. Berlaku proses pengguguran dalam ayat-ayat yang diucapkan sama ada pengguguran subjek, predikat, objek.
Muka Hadapan (Kulit laporan)
Muka Hadapan (Kulit laporan)
Tajuk Aktiviti
Tarikh & Lokasi
Nama Penganjur
Tarikh Laporan Disediakan
Laporan Eksekutif
1.0 Pengenalan
Secara ringkas nyatakan tujuan program dilaksanakan.
2.0 Latar Belakang
Bila dan dimana aktiviti dilaksanakan.
Bilangan peserta yang hadir.
Matlamat yang ingin dicapai.
Kaedah pelaksanaan.
Bahan-bahan peralatan yang digunakan.
Aktiviti-aktiviti yang diikuti.
Pengendali/fasilitator yang terlibat.
3.0 Huraian Penilaian
Maklumbalas peserta.
Maklumbalas daripada pihak luar (jika berkaitan).
4.0 Pencapaian Aktiviti
Hasil yang dicapai dari pelaksanaan aktiviti.
Perbandingan hasil dengan matlamat.
5.0 Kemajuan/Masalah
Secara ringkas huraikan kemajuan/masalah yang dihadapi semasa pelaksanaan aktiviti.
6.0 Cadangan
Huraikan cadangan untuk penambahbaikan.
Gambar Aktiviti (Lampiran)
6 keping gambar asal (saiz 4R) berserta kapsyen.
6 keping gambar berserta 6 keping gambar asal (saiz 4R) beserta kapsyen dilampirkan sekiranya mendapat peruntukan gambar dan laporan.
8.0 Penutup
Rumusan aktiviti.
Ucapan penghargaan kepada semua pihak yang terbabit.
Minit mesyuarat
Komponen Minit Mesyuarat
- Aluan Pengerusi
- Pengesahan Minit Mesyuarat dan Pindaan
- Perkara-Perkara Berbangkit
- Pembentangan Kertas Kerja atau Mengemukakan Laporan
- Hal-Hal Lain
- Penangguhan
Format Minit Mesyuarat
- Format minit disusun mengikut agenda mesyuarat.
- Catatan nama ahli mesyuarat disusun mengikut kekananan ahli yang hadir.
- Minit mesyuarat direkodkan secara tepat, jelas dan padat.
- Catatan setiap perkara yang dibincangkan hendaklah menunjukkan sama ada Tindakan atauMakluman sahaja.
- Nama penyedia minit, penyemak dan Pengerusi atau mana-mana pegawai yang diberi kuasa untuk mengesahkan dicatat.
- Tarikh minit disediakan.
Laras bahasa biasa:
Digunakan dalam majlis rasmi, surat kiriman dan sebagainya. Berlaku proses pengguguran dalam ayat-ayat yang diucapkan sama ada pengguguran subjek, predikat, objek.
Karangan jenis berita bertujuan untuk memberi maklumat, pengetahuan, atau hiburan kepada pembaca. Karangan berita perlu ditulis menggunakan bahasa yang mudah, padat, ringkas, dan tidak mempunyai banyak makna, elakkan penggunaan bahasa yang berbunga.
Karangan berita yang baik perlu ada beberapa maklumat asas yang ingin diketahui oleh pembaca. Berita yang ditulis perlu menjawab soalan-soalan seperti apa yang berlaku, di mana, bila, siapa, mengapa, dan bagaimanakah kesudahan atau akidatnya.
Isi yang paling penting hendaklah didahulukan dan setiap isi ditulis dalam satu perenggan.
Banjir Kilat di Pekan Panchor
MUAR, 30 November-Satu kejadian banjir kilat telah melanda Pekan Panchor, dekat sini petang tadi. Dalam kejadian itu, semua rumah dan kedai di pekan itu telah dinaiki air sedalam satu meter.
Menurut seorang penduduk di situ, Encik Mahfudz b. Mohd. Yasin, air mula naik pada pukul 3 petang. Hujan lebat selama 4 jam telah menyebabkan air melimpah kerana longkang yang tersumbat.
Beliau berkata, sampah sarap yang tidak diurus dengan baik merupakan punca utama. Longkang-longkang yang tersumbat menyebabkan aliran air tersekat. Selain itu, pembangunan pesat di kawasan berhampiran turut menyebabkan tanah lumpur mengalir ke longkang.
Kejadian itu mengakibatkan banyak harta benda telah rosak. Antaranya termasuklah perabot, barangan elektrik, kenderaan dan sebagainya. Tiada kemalangan jiwa yang dilaporkan berlaku.
Penduduk-penduduk melahirkan rasa kecewa atas kejadian yang berlaku itu. Mereka juga kesal dengan sikap pemaju projek berhampiran kerana tidakbertanggungjawab.
Mereka berharap pihak berkuasa tempatan segera mengambil tindakan supaya kejadian itu tidak berulang lagi.
Laras bahasa biasa:
Digunakan dalam majlis rasmi, surat kiriman dan sebagainya. Berlaku proses pengguguran dalam ayat-ayat yang diucapkan sama ada pengguguran subjek, predikat, objek.
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
What Does Inertia Mean?
means resistance to action or change. It is a disapproving term used to show an
inactive nature or sluggishness in a system. It is used in physics to describe
the tendency of the body to remain lying down in a straight line without
What Is the Relationship
between Mass and Inertia?
greater the mass the greater the inertia and the lower the mass the lower the
inertia. The results are reversible such that the lower the inertia the lower
the mass and the higher the inertia the higher the mass.
Mass Inertia Relationship
Objects with more mass have more inertia. Thus,
a very large boulder will be more difficult to move than a very small pebble.
Similarly, once the large boulder starts moving, it will be more difficult to
stop than the small pebble.
Read more :
xamples of Inertia
Inertia was best explained by Sir Isaac Newton in his first law of motion. Basically, the law of motion is that an object at rest stays at rest and an object continues in motion until an external force acts on it.Taking a Look at Inertia Examples
- One's body movement to the side when a car makes a sharp turn.
- Tightening of seat belts in a car when it stops quickly.
- A ball rolling down a hill will continue to roll unless friction or another force stops it.
- Men in space find it more difficult to stop moving because of a lack of gravity acting against them.
- If pulled quickly, a tablecloth can be removed from underneath of dishes. The dishes have the tendency to remain still as long as the friction from the movement of the tablecloth is not too great.
- Shaking a bottle of ketchup. When bringing the bottom down, the suddenly stopping it, inertia is what causes the ketchup to come out of the bottle.
- When playing football, a player is tackled and his head hits the ground. The impact stops his skull, but his brain continues to move and hit the inside of his skull. His brain is showing inertia.
- If one drove a car directly into a brick wall, the car would stop because of the force exerted upon it by the wall. However, the driver requires a force to stop his body from moving, such as a seatbelt, otherwise inertia will cause his body to continue moving at the original speed until his body is acted upon by some force.
- Hovercraft are vehicles that can be a challenge to manipulate because, unlike cars, they do not have the same level of friction, so inertia causes the Hovercraft to want to continue in its same direction without stopping or turning.
- Abruptly stopping a cart with an object on top causes the object on top to fall off. Inertia causes this by making the object want to continue moving in the direction that it was.
- If a stopped car is hit by a moving car from behind, the passengers inside may experience whiplash as a result of the body moving forward but the head lagging behind. The head is experiencing inertia.
- If a car is moving forward it will continue to move forward unless friction or the brakes interfere with its movement.
- When a baseball is thrown it will continue to move forward until acted upon by gravity. The greater the force of the throw, the harder it is for gravity to act upon it.
- A hockey puck will continue to slide across ice until acted upon by an outside force.
- A balloon in a car will appear to move when the car moves forward, but the balloon is actually attempting to stay in the place it was, it is only the car that is moving.
- When a car is abruptly accelerated, drivers and passengers may feel as though their bodies are moving backward. In reality, inertia is making the body want to stay in place as the car moves forward.
- If an index card is placed on top of a glass with a penny on top of it, the index card can be quickly removed while the penny falls straight into the glass, as the penny is demonstrating inertia.
- If you jump from a car of bus that is moving, your body is still moving in the direction of the vehicle. When your feet hit the ground, the grounds act on your feet and they stop moving. You will fall because the upper part of your body didn’t stop and you will fall in the direction you were moving.
- When you stir coffee or tea and stop, the swirling motion continues due to inertia.
- Objects that establish orbit around the earth, like satellites, continue on their trajectory due to inertia.
- Inertia of rest is an object staying where it is placed and it will stay there until you or something else moves it.
- If you throw a rock straight up, it will not vary from its direction. This is an example of inertia of direction.
- Inertia enables ice skaters to glide on the ice in a straight line.
- If the wind is blowing, a tree’s branches are moving. A piece of ripe fruit that falls from the tree will fall in the direction the wind is moving because of inertia.
- When peddling a bicycle, if you stop pedaling, the bike continues going until friction or gravity slows it down.
- When pulling a Band-Aid off, it is better to pull it fast. Your skin will remain at rest due to inertia and the force pulls the Band-Aid off.
- A car that is moving will continue even if you switch the engine off.
- If a ball is on a slanted surface and you let go, gravity will make it roll down the slope. It has inertia and if there is a level area at the bottom of the slope, it will continue moving.
- When entering a building through a rotating door, inertia will allow the door to hit you in the back if you don’t get out of the way.
- If you are rolling a cart with something on top and you hit something that makes the cart stop, what is on top may fall off.
- It is harder to stop a big vehicle, like a bus, than a smaller vehicle, like a motorcycle. There is more inertia with the bigger object.
- A concussion occurs because your brain is still moving while the outside skull is stopped. This is what causes the injury.
- Space probes are launched to get past the Earth’s atmosphere. Then they coast due to inertia.
- If you are on a train and the train is moving at a constant speed, a toy tossed into the air will go straight up and then come down. This is because the toy has inertia like the train and you.
We are subject to the concept of inertia and experience such
an idea every single day. Here are some examples. 1. Suddenly accelerating
during a car ride makes the driver and the riders feel pushed up against their
seats. Inertia explains this phenomenon quite clearly. 2. Turning around a
corner while driving makes the driver and the riders move quite
counter-intuitively. For example, if a car turns right, every person in the car
is pushed to left and vice versa; inertia explains this phenomenon. 3. We
usually shake the bottle of ketchup or hit it in order to get that last bit of
ketchup remaining in the bottle. We do both of these things to move the ketchup
as the remaining bit of ketchup is subject to the idea of inertia when shaken
or hit. 4. After sprinting for a while, you must apply a backward force in
order to stop. Yet if you do not apply this backward force, you will continue
moving forward. If you stop running suddenly, you will for a second move at the
speed at which you were running before. Inertia helps to explain this
phenomenon. 5. If a bus suddenly stops and you aren't holding onto a support,
you will be pushed to the front of the bus. Your mass and the concept of
inertia helps to explain such a phenomenon.
People encounter inertia on an everyday basis.
For example, someone driving a car will experience a force pushing her back
against the seat when the car is speeding up; this is due to the driver’s
resistance to the car’s forward movement. Similarly, when the car slows down
the driver is pushed forward — relative to the car — again, due to her
resistance to the change in motion. This is why seat belts are an essential
safety feature in cars. If the driver has to break suddenly, the occupants
would continue moving forward at the original speed, and without seat belts to
restrain them, they could be seriously injured.The car’s own inertia is an important consideration for drivers. It explains why moving vehicles have a stopping distance that is dependent on the speed and the mass of the vehicle. A car’s resistance to a change in motion also explains why the car will skid out of control if the driver tries to turn too quickly: the vehicle will tend to continue moving in the same direction.
Momentum is the quantity of motion .Any thing in the
universe is characterized by the quantity associated with it. In
motion both mass and velocity contribute to its quantity. Momentum is the
product of mass and velocity.
The unit of momentum is?
P (symbol
for momentum) = mass * velocity
momentum units = mass units * velocity unies
momentum unites = kg * m/s
p = kgm/s
momentum units = mass units * velocity unies
momentum unites = kg * m/s
p = kgm/s
Principle of the Conservation of Momentum states that: if objects collide, the total
momentum before the collision is the same as the total momentum after the
collision (provided that no external forces - for example, friction - act on
the system).
amazingly useful because it means that you can tell what is going to happen after
a collision before it has taken place.
The Meaning of Force
- The Meaning of Force
- Types of Forces
- Drawing Free-Body Diagrams
- Determining the Net Force
A force is a push or pull upon an object resulting
from the object's interaction with another object. Whenever there is an interaction
between two objects, there is a force upon each of the objects. When the interaction
ceases, the two objects no longer experience the force. Forces only
exist as a result of an interaction.
![]() |
Unbalanced Force
An unbalance force is one that is not opposed by an equal and opposite force operating directly against the force intended to cause a change in the object's state of motion or rest. Consider this little illustration:
Object, O is at rest and subjected to a force from the left as shown:
Let ====> represent the force to change the object's state of motion or rest on object. O
This unopposed (unbalanced) force will cause the object to move to the right. ====> O
Let O <==== represent an opposing force of equal magnitude operating on object O.
When the forces are opposed and impinging on the object ====> O <====, the object will not move because each force is balanced by an equal and opposite force.
However, if the forces are unbalanced and aligned thus, ====> O <========, the larger force coming from the right is unbalance by the one from the left. Thus, the object will move toward the left.
The picture is more complicated that I can illustrate here because an opposing force my be impinging on the object from an angle. Overall, it is the "net" unbalanced force that will cause the object to move or change its state of motion.
An unbalance force is one that is not opposed by an equal and opposite force operating directly against the force intended to cause a change in the object's state of motion or rest. Consider this little illustration:
Object, O is at rest and subjected to a force from the left as shown:
Let ====> represent the force to change the object's state of motion or rest on object. O
This unopposed (unbalanced) force will cause the object to move to the right. ====> O
Let O <==== represent an opposing force of equal magnitude operating on object O.
When the forces are opposed and impinging on the object ====> O <====, the object will not move because each force is balanced by an equal and opposite force.
However, if the forces are unbalanced and aligned thus, ====> O <========, the larger force coming from the right is unbalance by the one from the left. Thus, the object will move toward the left.
The picture is more complicated that I can illustrate here because an opposing force my be impinging on the object from an angle. Overall, it is the "net" unbalanced force that will cause the object to move or change its state of motion.
What is the meaning of unbalanced force?
Unbalanced force occurs when two forces acting on an object are not equal in size, causing a change in motion. Unbalanced forces cause a still object to move or moving objects to slow down or speed up, stop or change direction.A balanced force exists when opposing forces are of equal magnitude, ultimately canceling each other out and resulting in no motion. Unbalanced forces are not equal or opposite. When two unbalanced forces are exerted in opposite directions, the net force is equal to the difference between the two forces, resulting in motion in the direction of the larger force.
The Effects of Forces
A force
acting on an object may cause the object to change shape, to start moving, to
stop moving, to accelerate or decelerate.
When two
objects interact with each other they exert a force on each other, the forces
are equal in size but opposite in direction.
forces acting on an object can be replaced with a single force that causes the
object to behave in the same way as all the separate forces acting
together did, this one overall force is called the resultant force. All
forces (F) are measured in newtons (N).
If the
resultant force acting on an object is ZERO then;
- the object will remain stationary if it was stationary when the resultant force became zero
- move at a constant (steady) speed in a straight line if it was moving when the resultant force became zero\
The relationship among mass force and
acceleration is explained by what?


Supervisor Ganderton
second law states that the net force on a body is equal to its mass multiplied
by its acceleration, or in symbols: F = ma.Note that force and acceleration are
vectors - they have both magnitude and direction.
Acceleration and Mass Relationship?
What is the relationship between mass and acceleration for
Hey look,
Mass and acceleration are inversely proportional
Apply Newton's second law
so if the net force is constant as the mass increase,the acceleration decrease and vice versa.....
Hope that helped you!
Mass and acceleration are inversely proportional
Apply Newton's second law
so if the net force is constant as the mass increase,the acceleration decrease and vice versa.....
Hope that helped you!
My phyics teacher
answered 7 years ago
Newtons Second Law of Motion
force = mass * acceleration
this is the governing mass/acceleration relation for all objects on earth that have non-negligable masses.
force = mass * acceleration
this is the governing mass/acceleration relation for all objects on earth that have non-negligable masses.
Konflik Palestin dan Israil
Palestin dan Israil
ini dimulai setelah perang dunia kedua, ketika masyarakat Yahudi berpikir untuk
memiliki negara sendiri. (menurut sejarah mereka keluar dari tanah Israel
setelah Perang Salib karena dituduh pro-Kristen oleh tentara Islam, yang
kemudian ditinggali oleh orang-orang Filistin atau Palestine) fikiran berbentuk
zionisme yang didorong oleh genosida oleh Nazi pada perang dunia kedua. Pilihan
letak negara itu tentu saja adalah tanah Palestin yang mana pada ketika itu
merupakan tanah jajahan Inggeris. Tempat
tersebut ada beberapa tempat keagamaan Yahudi iaitu Istana Nabi Daud (Kind
David) dan Nabi Sulaiman.
barat bersetuju dengan permintaan orang Yahudi atas alasan sebelum orang
Palestin tinggal di sana, tanah itu adalah milik Israel). Negara-negara Arab menentang
karena Jerman yang melakukan pembunuhan maka tanah Jerman lah yang harus
disisihkan untuk dijadikan negara Yahudi.
secara sukarela keluar dari Negara Palestin dan memberikan kepada Yahudi sebaliknya
orang-orang Palestin yang telah tinggal dan dibesarkan di sana telah diusir sehingga
bangsa Israel kemudian melihat orang Palestin sebagai ancaman kepada bangsa
Yahudi. Manakala bangsa Palestin pula menganggap Israel sebagai penjajah baru.
Alasan Dasar Perebutan Kota Suci Jerusalem:
1. Alasan
Bill Clinton sudah menjelaskan hal ini di Rumah Putih dalam bahwasanya “kota
Jerusalem akan menjadi tempat tujuan utama para pelancong dunia. Beliau merayu kepada Presiden Yasir Arafat
agar mau memindahkan masjid Al-Aqsho dari sana.
Pada realitasnya, sesungguhnya musuh Israel dengan usaha keras mereka untuk menguasai kota Jerusalem dan kota Jerusalem yang lama dengan seluruh mesjid dan gereja yang ada di dalamnya- mereka ingin menguasai dan menjadi hakmilik tunggal untuk mengurusi para Haji dan Kristian ke sana. Mereka pula yang mengurusi kunjungan umat Islam untuk menyempurnakan Hajinya. Dan ini akan mendatangkan pendapatan yang sangat besar yang mereka dapat dari kunjungan umat Kristian dan umat Islam.
Pada realitasnya, sesungguhnya musuh Israel dengan usaha keras mereka untuk menguasai kota Jerusalem dan kota Jerusalem yang lama dengan seluruh mesjid dan gereja yang ada di dalamnya- mereka ingin menguasai dan menjadi hakmilik tunggal untuk mengurusi para Haji dan Kristian ke sana. Mereka pula yang mengurusi kunjungan umat Islam untuk menyempurnakan Hajinya. Dan ini akan mendatangkan pendapatan yang sangat besar yang mereka dapat dari kunjungan umat Kristian dan umat Islam.
2. Alasan Politik
mahu menjadikan kota Jerusalem Lama yang memiliki posisi yang strategik dan
sejarah yang panjang menjadi “Ibu Kota Negara yang Abadi” menurut
keyakinan mereka. Yahudi mahu menguasai seluruh wilayah sekitarnya. Penggalan cerita ini sudah cukup sebagai
simulasi untuk menjelaskan alasan yang sangat esensi yang terwujud lewat aturan
yang ada di Timur Tengah. Sebuah aturan dan undang-undang yang ingin
diberlakukan secara paksa oleh Amerika Serikat kepada seluruh wilayah itu,
dengan kerja keras untuk menyamakan aturan bagi warga Arab bagaimanapun
3. Alasan
alasan perang budaya, maka merebut kota suci Jerusalem dan menguasai seluruh
tempat bersejarah umat Islam dan Kristien.
Di kota itu merupakan kemenangan
budaya Barat atas budaya Arab Islam, dengan keunggulan dan hegemoni politik
Barat mengajak sekutunya untuk mengusik “dendam sejarah masa lalu” yang
berkobar dalam jiwa dan dada mereka atas budaya Arab Islam yang mengalahkan mereka dalam perang orang-orang Barat pada abad ke-8 yang lalu.
berkobar dalam jiwa dan dada mereka atas budaya Arab Islam yang mengalahkan mereka dalam perang orang-orang Barat pada abad ke-8 yang lalu.
sekali bersama-sama kita berjuang mengembalikan Negara Palestin kepada penduduk
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