Monday 31 December 2007

Al-Muhajirun S.A.W

Al Muhajirun (the migrants) were the early Makkah Muslims who went to Madinah leaving their homes and property behind to assist the Prophet Muhammad in his mission.
The first migration to place in 615 A.D., when the qurash started to torturing the small Muslim community in Makkah. They when to Abyssina. They were eleven men and four women, followed by a hundred more. Later they joined the Prophet in Madinah.
In 623 A.D. the Qurash chief decided to assassinate the Prophet to stop the spread of the message of Islam.Allah revealed their plan to the Prophet. He then left for Madinah along with his friend, Abu Bakr. In all, 300 migrants followed him. They were taken care of by the Ansars (Helpers), the of Madinah. In this way, the brotherhood of Islam was established.

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